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Program Goals
Students will achieve high levels of academic English proficiency and be able to apply their knowledge of the English language successfully in all subject areas and in ways that benefit them in their academic, working, and personal lives.
English Language Learners will be provided meaningful access to curriculum and equal educational opportunities.
All District Staff will be trained to use the SIOP model for all students.
Provide parents of English Language Learners the opportunity to participate and support their child’s educational experience and the opportunity to shape the district’s English Language Learner program.
Analyze student achievement annually and determine needed resources to ensure that English Language Learners are effectively served in ELD and in their core content courses.
Sutherlin ELL Program
Contact Sutherlin School District
531 E. Central Ave
Sutherlin, Or 97479
541-459-2228 Phone
541-459-2484 Fax