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Safe Schools self-registration for parents

SafeSchools Training is an online compliance management system that allows schools districts across the state of Oregon to easily train staff members on school-related safety issues to demonstrate state and federal compliance with safety mandates. SafeSchools courses have been authored by nationally renowned experts, and has been endorsed by a number of school boards and superintendent associations nationwide.

As a district parent, you may register to take suggested training for Child Abuse: Identification & Intervention and Sexual Conduct: Staff-to-Student. There are two ways to do this:

Use your registration key: cd7075eb

Go to the SafeSchools homepage,, click “Register” (To the right of the “Sign in” button). On the next screen you will be prompted to enter the registration key above. Next you will be prompted to enter some basic information, including a username of your choice, which you will use to login to the system moving forward.

Use the “quick link” registration URL:

Click on or enter the address above into your internet browser, and you will be taken to the registration page where you will enter your basic information, including a username.

To begin a course, click on the blue title link and follow the prompts. To earn a certificate of completion, you must complete all sections of a course and pass the quiz.

Your participation will help to make your child’s school district a safer place to work and learn!

Thank you.

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