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ODE Test Opt-Out Form

El Distrito Escolar de Sutherlin atiende a más de 1,300 estudiantes desde el jardín de infantes hasta el grado 12. Hay dos escuelas primarias y una secundaria. La escuela secundaria Sutherlin cuenta con un programa de cursos sólido y diverso en un entorno escolar pequeño y rural.

  • Survey's to be completed by June 15th.
    Google Forms
    Survey's to be completed by June 15th.
    Google Forms
    Hello Sutherlin Families, East Primary needs to get an estimate of how many incoming Kindergarten students we should anticipate for the 2020-2021 school year. We could use your help. If you have an incoming Kinder please click "Click for more Info" and complete the survey!
  • lun, 18 may
    Sutherlin High School
    18 may 2020, 18:00
    Sutherlin High School, 500 E 4th Ave, Sutherlin, OR 97479, USA
    A public meeting of the Budget Committee of Sutherlin School District #130, Douglas County will be held on Monday, May 18, 2020, at 6:00 pm at Sutherlin High School, 500 E Fourth Avenue, Sutherlin, Oregon.

Sutherlin School District

Sutherlin High School-Sleep In Heavenly Peace

Sutherlin High School-Sleep In Heavenly Peace
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Sutherlin High School-Sleep In Heavenly Peace

Sutherlin High School-Sleep In Heavenly Peace

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2018 NCF Envirothon

2018 NCF Envirothon

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Sutherlin Girls Basketball

Sutherlin Girls Basketball

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SHS Special Oly Award

SHS Special Oly Award

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